A leave of absence is defined as a pre-approved leave from the institution that suspends a student's course of academic and/or clinical study or off-site training for a definite period of time, not to exceed 12 months.
Reasons for Leave of Absence
A leave of absence may be granted for one of the following reasons: (1) a medical or family emergency; (2) a financial emergency; (3) pursuit of an academic endeavor other than the regular classroom work or training assignment, either on campus or at another recognized teaching facility; (4) active military service.
Approval of Leave of Absence
Only the Dean can grant a leave of absence.
Procedure for Leave of Absence
A student must complete a Leave of Absence form (
Philadelphia form,
Georgia form) and submit this to the Dean. The student, in consultation with the Dean, should consider how a leave would affect his or her overall progress in the academic program of the College. The Dean reaches a decision after careful consideration is given to personal and professional circumstances. All applications for leave of absence are considered on their individual merits and approved only for extraordinary reasons.
When a student is on a leave of absence they are not considered:
- Enrolled during the term of the leave
- Do not qualify for loan deferment
- Do not qualify for special monetary loans, grants or other special considerations that presuppose the status of a regular student.
As such, students are advised to consult with the
Financial Aid Office regarding their loan payback and other financial matters throughout their decision process.
Health insurance may be continued if premiums are paid on time-special arrangements must be made with Financial Operations for regular payment of premium, which is generally monthly during a leave.
Financial Leave of Absence
A student who owes PCOM funds may be placed on a financial leave of absence and won't be allowed to register for subsequent semesters until they satisfy his or her account with the bursar as stipulated in "Payment of Tuition and Fees" section before petitioning for readmission.
Return from Leave of absence
Before the conclusion of the leave of absence, the student must notify the Dean and the Registrar in writing of intent to register and resume the degree program. If a leave of absence is due to personal illness, the student's attending physician or other health care provider as specified by the dean must supply a letter attesting to the student's ability to continue in the academic or clinical program, or other training activity. The student's course of study will then be resumed at the point in the curriculum deemed most appropriate by the Dean.
Failure to return from leave
A student on a leave of absence who fails to return within the time period specified in the approved leave of absence will be dropped as a student from the College. Any student who is dropped must reapply for admission.
Notwithstanding time off for leave(s), all requirements for graduation from PCOM must be completed within seven (7) years from the first date of matriculation in the medical and doctoral programs, or within three (3) years for the master's programs.