The interns worked at Esfuerzo (a department of Congreso) to bring a more in-depth awareness surrounding HIV and AIDS to the community. The interns took part in workshops to learn how to educate the community about safe sex, risk reduction, and abstinence. They were educated on the basics of HIV/AIDS and its prevention, and were also trained by staff about Act 148, the confidentiality law regarding HIV testing. The interns went to different sites to give presentations about safe sex and to conduct and promote HIV testing. They also participated in outreach programs where they walked the streets of the community distributing safe sex kits and offering on-the-spot free and confidential HIV testing.
The interns planned and implemented educational seminars for an HIV-positive population. They addressed several topics, including oral health and sexually transmitted diseases. The interns also held seminars on stress management, healthy eating and weight loss, and organizational skills. In addition to the seminars, the interns performed psycho-social interviews and completed intake paperwork to experience the clinical and administrative side of a rehab program. The interns were included in meetings concerning ethical issues and decisions based on client behavior and funding availability. The opportunity gave the interns insight about how a modified therapeutic community can work for recovering addicts.