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  Academic Programs


Project Summaries: Senior Health

The interns implemented a series of educational programs designed to increase health awareness among older adults. Specific topics were suggested by the clients and included diabetes, cardiovascular disease, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and alternative medicine. The types of programs included various health screenings, health-related open forum discussions, talks on specific health topics, social events, and support group meetings. The interns geared programs specifically to the needs of the seniors at this site in hopes of equipping the participants with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to empower them to become their best advocates in the management of their health and well-being.
Corinthian Square Apartments
The interns led health related discussions in hopes of broadening and increasing the residents' awareness of health issues related to seniors. Cardiovascular health was a major topic that involved discussion of how to read and interpret nutritional labels and how to use that information to follow healthy eating habits.  Healthy food was prepared on Fridays in conjunction with the health issues discussed during the week. For example, a diabetes awareness discussion was followed by a 'diabetes friendly' dessert! In addition to leading health discussions, the health information and resources used during the summer were organized into a binder for the residents' reference at any time after the Bridging the Gaps program.