This access is designed to allow you to access PCOM's Network in the most secure way possible from anywhere. In order for you to use this site you will need your RSA token. If you don't have the instructions for using your token, you can click on the link below for directions.
We are migrating to a more secure way of accessing our network via Citrix. You have received this Security Token that must be used to access PCOM’s network via Citrix in the near future. Please sign the enclosed form and verify that the number on the token is the same as the number on the form. You should keep the pink copy and return the remaining copies to the Help Desk in MIS Department. Instructions are included with this packet. Please keep this token in a safe place. It will fit on your key chain. If you lose it you will not be able to log onto the PCOM network. You will also receive an email with the instructions attached.
During the migration period, the old Citrix Server will remain available, but we encourage you not to use it once your token has been activated for the new system. Thank you for your cooperation.
If this is your first time accessing this system select the entire document link for step by step instructions .