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Work Orders


In a continuous effort to improve the Plant Operations Work Order System, please utilize the following procedure for submitting work requests:

  • If you are an approved Tenant/User of the MP2 Weblink system, follow the directions provided by the Plant Operations Department and submit your request online. 
  • If there is a maintenance emergency, contact Plant Operations directly at x6167.
  • After normal working hours (4PM-7AM), the Security Command Center, extension 6351, will take the call and notify the appropriate Plant Operations employee for all emergency and urgent requests. 


Emergency: This is limited to any situation that poses a physical harm, health hazard, safety hazard or severe damage.  These maintenance problems will be handled immediately and should be telephoned to the Plant Operations Assistant at x6167. 

Urgent: This refers to any maintenance problem that prohibits the department from performing primary duties.  This request will be responded to within twenty-four (24) hours of notification. 

Routine: The majority of Plant Operations services should fall under this category.  These service calls entail inconvenient and problematic maintenance situations.  Routine maintenance problems will be attended to within (8) working days of notification.

Deferred: This category includes minor repairs, seasonal work and facility improvements.  This work will be scheduled, when approved by the Director of Plant Operations at PCOM Campus. 

Should anyone have any questions, please contact Lauren Usher at Extension 6167.

Thank you