EdS Certification in School Psychology
45 credits
Course Sequence
Year 1 | | | | | |
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Fall | Credits |
Winter | Credits |
Spring | Credits |
| 3 | | 3 | | 3 |
| 3 | | 3 | | 3 |
| 6 | | 6 | | 6 |
SPSY 509 - Cognitive Behavior Therapy in the Schools3 creditsThe primary goal of this course is to introduce students to the provisions of school-based mental health services from a cognitive-behavioral perspective. The course begins with an introduction to cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) including its history and basic theoretical tenets. The structure of the class will then build upon theory to a model progressing from assessment and case conceptualization to intervention selection and implementation. The issues revolving around the standards of treatment and quality of care will be addressed. Students will further learn specific techniques and interventions for a variety of child and adolescent issues presented in school settings, such as school refusal, aggressive behavior, student underachievement, ADHD, anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Developmental, multicultural and ethical considerations will be reviewed and discussed. Skills will be developed through case conceptualizations and case discussions as well as role play scenarios.
SPSY 513 - Assessment I: Cognitive Assessment3 creditsThis course addresses both theory and diagnosis of cognitive assessment and identifies the relevant issues/criticisms related to intelligence testing. Students acquire skills in the selection of a broad range of methods for assessing, administering, scoring (including computer scoring), interpreting (including computer printouts), reporting and communicating results of evaluation data on children's cognitive ability and functioning to answer educationally relevant questions. This occurs through developing skills in assessing, observing, interviewing and record and portfolio reviews. Assessment for intervention and outcome will be applied using traditional intelligence testing using Wechsler scales, WPPSI-III, WISC-IV, WAIS-III, Stanford-Binet V and Adaptive Behavior Measures. Through lectures, labs and practice cases, students gain technical skills with these instruments.
SPSY 514 - Multicultural Issues in Psychology3 creditsThis course is part 2 in a sequence of 3 courses focusing on multicultural issues in the field of school psychology. The intent of this course is to present a detailed overview of the complex issues and methods that will serve as a guide to developing multicultural competence, i.e., understanding diversity from a historical, sociological, developmental, educational and psychological perspective.
Students are introduced to significant aspects of other cultures while examining their own experiences and developing personal awareness and appropriately applying knowledge to skill-based practices in school settings in order to promote a positive impact on school achievement, self-esteem and personal growth of all children. In addition, students will learn to administer an array of non-verbal and culturally fair assessments and learn how these tests, in conjunction with traditional assessments, inform the practice of school psychology.
SPSY 515 - Assessment II: Psycho-Educational Assessment of the Exceptional Learner3 creditsThis is the second course in the assessment sequence and is designed to introduce school psychology educational specialist graduate program students to individualized educational assessment practices and their links to educational interventions. The course will address the assessment of the educational needs of exceptional learners with primary emphasis on the basic skill areas of reading, written expression and mathematics.
SPSY 516 - Educational Research and Program Evaluation3 creditsThis course prepares students to participate in program planning and evaluation activities, emphasizing both traditional and newly emerging approaches. The course examines how to plan, implement and evaluate school-based programs. Emphasis is placed on translating research into practice through implementation and evaluation of empirically supported programs and practices. Attention is given to monitoring student progress, at both individual and program levels. Course methods include readings, lectures, class discussions and completion of an applied project.
SPSY 517 - Academic and Behavioral Interventions in Schools3 creditsStudents focus on defining current problem areas, strengths and needs of school age children using informal assessment measures such as observations, interviewing, work samples, curriculum-based assessment (CBA), DIBELS, and functional behavioral assessments (FBA). Additionally, students obtain knowledge of using these informal assessment measures as a means to assess progress of evidence-based academic and behavioral interventions in order to determine a student's response to intervention (RTI). Readings, lectures, class discussions, cooperative learning groups and labs are used as methods of instruction.
SPSY 518 - Assessment III: Personality and Behavior3 creditsThis is the final course in the assessment sequence, which focuses on the assessment of emotional, social, adaptive and behavioral issues of school-age children. Various formal and informal means of assessment are reviewed including self-report measures, projective assessments, interview and functional behavioral assessment (FBA). Additionally, a cognitive-behavioral therapy model is offered for case conceptualization and treatment or intervention planning.
SPSY 519 - Consultation and Collaboration in Educational Settings3 creditsThis course provides an exploration of consultation theory and practice including evaluating the efficacy of the interventions. Students achieve proficiency in implementing academic/mental health/behavioral consultation models (e.g., Conjoint Behavioral Consultation) and become familiar with other consultative models for providing services to individual clients. Indirect methods of intervention are explored through different approaches to consultative services for teachers, parents, administrators and other professionals to promote change at the levels of the individual students, classroom, building, district and/or other agency levels. School psychology students gain knowledge of the important features of collaborating effectively with others in planning and decision making. Also, emphasis is placed on teaching students effective communication skills, with an emphasis on understanding individuals of diverse backgrounds and characteristics. This course incorporates readings, lectures, class discussion and role-plays.
SPSY 520 - Effective Prevention and Crisis Intervention at Home and School3 creditsBased on knowledge of current theory and research about the development of academic, behavioral and emotional issues in children, this course focuses on effective prevention strategies, as well as methods to develop, implement and evaluate programs that help prevent student difficulties at both home and school. This course also addresses crisis intervention ways to provide services in the aftermath of crisis. Readings, guest speakers and student presentations are used as methods.
SPSY 521 - Health Psychology and Medicine Applied to Schools1 creditThis course focuses on the relationship between physical and mental health and its impact on learning and adaptive functioning of children in school and at home. Assessment and treatment issues are emphasized. Topics addressed include coping with chronic illness, sexual health, chronic pain, eating disorders, teenage pregnancy, AIDS prevention, stress management and other related issues.
SPSY 523 - English Language Learners: Educational Implications and Accommodations3 creditsThis course explores strategies for supporting English Language Learners (ELLs) in formal and informal educational settings. Students are introduced to foundational theories and current research on social and academic factors that influence ELLs' learning experiences. Emphasis is placed on instructional approaches to support teachers working with linguistically and culturally diverse English Language Learners.
SPSY 552 - Practicum Seminar in School Psychology: Applied Law and Ethics2 creditsIn conjunction with coursework, students complete a year-long practicum sequence in the schools during the second year of the EdS program. This field experience is focused on professional intervention practices including assessment, consultation, counseling, informal assessment, and academic and behavioral interventions. The school-based practicum is accompanied by a seminar intended to provide students with additional supervision and didactic training. The Practicum Seminar I emphasizes legal and ethical issues inherent in the practice of school psychology.
SPSY 553 - Practicum Seminar in School Psychology: School Structure and Organization1 creditIn conjunction with coursework, students complete a year-long practicum sequence in the schools during the second year of the EdS program. This field experience is focused on professional intervention practices including assessment, consultation, counseling, informal assessment, and academic and behavioral interventions. The school-based practicum is accompanied by a seminar intended to provide students with additional supervision and didactic training. The Practicum Seminar II focuses on school structure and organization, with emphasis on implementation of school-wide problem solving models for identifying and addressing students' academic and social/emotional/behavioral needs.
SPSY 554 - Practicum Seminar in School Psychology: Family-School Partnerships2 creditsIn conjunction with coursework, students complete a year-long practicum sequence in the schools during the second year of the EdS program. This field experience is focused on professional intervention practices including assessment, consultation, counseling, informal assessment, and academic and behavioral interventions. The school-based practicum is accompanied by a seminar intended to provide students with additional supervision and didactic training. Seminar discussions will include, but not be limited to, report writing, interventions and outcomes as well as ethical, legal and professional issues in the delivery of school psychological services. The focus of the Practicum III seminar is on establishing effective home-school relationships within the context of school psychological service delivery.
SPSY 561, 562, 563 - School Psychology Internship Seminar I, II, and III3 credits each term (Fall, Winter & Spring)Total credits 9This year-long internship and bimonthly college-based seminar serves as the culminating training experience, the Specialist-level certification School Psychology Program. It is a comprehensive experience through which the interns are required to integrate the knowledge base and applied skills of school psychology in promoting positive educational and mental health practices in resolving individual, group and system-level problems. The experience is designed to provide students with supervision and information on a variety of professional topics and issues. The course will provide students with a forum for sharing their field-based experiences and allow for case reviews of assessment, consultation and counseling in which the interns are professionally involved. Internship experiences include advanced psycho-educational assessment and interpretation with emphasis on intervention strategies and program planning, intensive case analysis and treatment planning, and exploration of ethical and legal dilemmas involved in the delivery of psychological services.