All requests for posters MUST be accompanied by an approved Office of Marketing & Communications work request signed by both the DEPARTMENT HEAD and the DEAN with all appropriate information completed. Interns and residents MUST have the PROGRAM DIRECTOR & SENIOR ASSOCIATE DEAN Clinical Education signatures.
A minimum of three weeks lead time (15 business days) IS REQUIRED for each poster request, in order for the appropriate amount of time to be given to each presentation. Request will not be accepted if this three-week time frame is not adhered to. (See PowerPoint Files)
A copy of the guidelines for your individual poster presentation must be attached to the Marketing & Communications work request. Please be sure to include full size of poster as they change per event.
Text for poster
All copy (text) must be presented in two forms: 1- Email or bring the file (created in Microsoft Word and typed in single space with no returns) on a flash drive to Marketing & Communications , and 2 - A print out of the text that is being supplied. Please be certain to include the poster title and authors as well as all photo captions. All posters will have the College name included in the title as well as the College logo positioned in the upper-left or right-hand corner.
Graphs and charts
All charts and graphs must be submitted separately from your Word file. Acceptable formats include Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook (*xls file), Adobe Illustrator (eps file) or Sigmaplot (*eps file). Be sure to save each graph or chart as an individual file. If a chart or graph is saved in any other format, you will need to supply a hard copy of it so it can be scanned and inserted it into your document. [Please note: This latter method does not allow for clarity of text or lines.] Graphs and charts will be placed according to your direction.
Only the PCOM Flame and the Center for Chronic Disorders of Aging (CCDA) logos will appear on the poster. The name(s) of other institution(s) will be included within the title as needed. The designer will insert the College logo for you. Please do not take a logo from the PCOM website; the logo is trademarked and of insufficient resolution for reproduction.
Each poster may include a maximum of four or five photos; the photos must be presented at the same time as the work request. Photos will be accepted either as digital files (emailed), on a flash drive or hard copy (to be scanned if needed). A printed sample of all photos should be submitted with the request. All photos must be clearly marked with figure number(s) and/or caption(s), and the order/placement per section(s) of poster must be indicated.
There is a website available with free templates for you to create your own research posters in PowerPoint. The web address is After you design your poster, you can submit the file to the Office of Marketing & Communications. The designer will insert the College logo for you. Please do not take a logo from the PCOM website; the logo is trademarked and of insufficient resolution for reproduction. Please be sure that you carefully review your poster content; no edits will be made after you submit your file.
If a poster is submitted as a PPT file and is already laid out in the correct format, project time may be reduced from 15 working days to five working days. No edits can be made to these posters. The Office of Marketing & Communications will put PCOM logo(s) on the poster for you.
Once design/layout is completed, your poster will be emailed to you in .PDF format for proofing. Once the proof is approved, the final poster will be printed.
****Please be sure to include the size of the poster on request form****
Layout of the poster will not begin until ALL photos and text have been received.