Bonnie Buxton, PhD
Professor, Microbiology Interim Chair of Basic Sciences
Bonnie Buxton, Ph.D., grew up in Long Island, N.Y., obtained a B.S. in biology from Cornell University, earned a Master in Parasitology and a Ph. D. in Immunology and Virology both from the Veterinary School at Auburn University. She did a post-doctoral fellowship in Cancer Biology in the Pathology Department of the Veterinary School and another post doctoral fellowship in Cancer Immunology at Kansas University School of Medicine where she was a Wesley Fellow in Cancer Research. Prior to joining the faculty of Georgia Campus-PCOM, Dr. Buxton spent 20 years on the faculty of the Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences where she taught Immunology, Microbiology and International Medicine in the D.O. program. Dr. Buxton was also an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Immunology, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, of the Kansas University School of Medicine.
Dr. Buxton's scholarly interests are in the areas of curriculum development and implementation and medical education. Dr. Buxton was the recipient of several student teaching awards and is listed in Who�s Who Among America's Teachers. She enjoys horseback riding, biking, hiking, gardening and travel.
Dr. Buxton has two sons.