For more than a century, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) physicians have practiced a holistic approach to health care. They know that the mind plays a crucial role in the body's capacity to heal, that treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms is essential, that treatments such as osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) aid the body’s natural healing process, and that physicians should work in partnership with patients for the best outcomes.
A premier osteopathic medical school, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine boasts a history that spans more than 100 years and a rich tradition of training DOs in primary and specialty care. Among its alumni that number more than 12,000, are board-certified specialists, academic leaders and educators, and recognized researchers and practitioners. These osteopathic physicians contribute to the health and health policy of communities throughout the nation—including those in disadvantaged rural areas and in regions especially impacted by primary care physician shortages.
Since 2005, the College has offered its comprehensive DO program at Georgia Campus - Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. GA-PCOM has adopted the usage of innovative high-fidelity patient simulators as well as standardized patient actors, providing students with experiential learning and proficiency modalities reflective of actual clinical procedure and practice. Sponsored research projects promote opportunities for collaborative research. And a commitment to community service is evident in campus- and student-sponsored outreach programs.
All instruction—didactic and clinical—is delivered by expert and accomplished faculty. Program curriculum includes clerkship participation at many of the finest teaching hospitals in Georgia and other areas of the South.
Learn more about our program.
A Brief Guide to Osteopathic Medicine, For Students, By Students
GA-PCOM Faculty