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Experts List


Below is a list of PCOM faculty available for inteviews in their field of expertise. If you
have a query, please contact Carol Weisl in the Office of Marketing and Communications, 215-871-6304, carolwe@pcom.edu.

Alzheimer's Resarch
Denah Appelt, PhD
Brian Balin, PhD

Cardiovascular Physiology/Pharmacology
Lindon Young, PhD

Children and Adolescent Mental Health
Elizabeth Gosch, PhD

Cancer and Nutrition Research/Super Foods
Dianzheng Zhang, PhD

Clinical Pharmacology
Frederick Goldstein, PhD

Depression and Heart Disease
Stacey Cahn, PhD

Eating Disorders/Obesity
Stacey Cahn, PhD

Food Allergies
Scott Little, PhD

Gregory McDonald, DO

Cliff Akiyama, MA, MPH

Katherine Galluzi, DO

Kerin Fresa-Dillion, PhD

Infectious Disease/Public Health
Rani Bright, MBBS, HCLD

Stacey Cahn, PhD

Obstetrics and Gynecology
Saul Jeck, DO

Othopedic Surgery/Sports Medicine
John McPhilmey, DO

Osteopathic Medicine
Michael Kucher, DO

Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery
Transgender Reassignment

Sherman Leis, DO

Prostate Cancer and Resveratrol
Dianzheng Zhang, PhD

Pulmonary Medicine
Daniel Parenti, DO

Student Learning and Educational Effectiveness
Matthew Schure, PhD

Suicide Prevention
Terri Erbacher, PhD

Surgery/Simulator Training
Arthur Sesso, DO