Notice of Privacy Practices for Protected Health Information
It is the policy of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) to inform a patient of the uses, releases and patients’ rights in respect to confidential healthcare information.
- When PCOM receives a request for a patients’ confidential healthcare information, it is expected to notify the patient about the request.
- Should the patient be an inmate of a correctional facility, PCOM does not have to inform the patient of the request for confidential healthcare information.
- PCOM has a notice that states the patients’ rights with respect to uses and releases of confidential healthcare information.
- PCOM will place a copy of the Privacy Notice in a prominent place at Healthcare Centers and review the notice at the first meeting with the patient.
- PCOM will provide a copy of the Privacy Notice to any person upon request.
- PCOM will post a copy of the Privacy Notice in a location where there is clear and easy access to all individuals who are in PCOM for treatment and services.
- The Privacy Notice is to be posted within the web site.
- If PCOM is in a joint relationship with another healthcare provider, the Privacy Notice is to reflect the joint relationship.
- PCOM will retain a copy and any revisions of the Privacy Notice for six (6) years.
· Your confidential healthcare information may be released to other healthcare professionals within the PCOM for the purpose of providing you with quality healthcare.
· Your confidential healthcare information may be released to your insurance provider for the purpose of PCOM receiving payment for providing you with needed healthcare services
· Your confidential healthcare information may be released to public or law enforcement officials in the event of an investigation in which you are a victim of abuse, a crime, or domestic violence.
· Your confidential healthcare information may be released to other healthcare providers in the event you need emergency care.
· Your confidential healthcare information may be released to a public health organization or federal government in the event of a communicable disease or to report defective device or untoward event to biological product (food or medication).
· Your confidential healthcare information may not be released for any other purpose than that which is identified in this notice.
· You may be contacted by PCOM to remind you of any appointments, healthcare treatment options or health services that may be of interest to you.
· You may be contacted by PCOM for the purpose of raising funds to support PCOM’s operations.
· You have the right to restrict the use of your confidential healthcare information. However, PCOM may chose to refuse your restriction if it is in conflict of providing you with quality healthcare or in the event of an emergency situation.
· You have the right to receive confidential communication about your health status.
· You have the right to review and photocopy any/all portions of your healthcare information.
· You have the right to make changes to your healthcare information.
· You have the right to know who has accessed your confidential healthcare information and for what purpose.
· You have the right to possess a copy of the Privacy Notice upon request. This copy can be in the form of electronic transmission or on paper.
· PCOM is required by law to protect the privacy of its patients. It will keep confidential any and all patient healthcare information and will provide patients with a list of duties or practices that protect confidential healthcare information.
· PCOM will abide by the terms of this notice. PCOM reserves the right to make changes to this notice and continue to maintain the confidentiality of all healthcare information. Patients will receive a mailed copy of any changes to this notice within 60 days of making the changes.
· You have the right to complain to PCOM if you believe your rights to privacy have been violated. If you feel your privacy rights have been violated, please mail your complaint to PCOM:
ATTN: Privacy Officer
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
4190 City Line Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131
Hot Line Number: 215-871-6607
· All complaints will be investigated. No personal issue will be raised for filling a complaint with PCOM.
· This notice is effective as of April 15, 2003. This date must not be earlier than the date on which the notice is printed or published.