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Elizabeth A. Gosch, PhD, ABPP, Professor, Director of MS Program in Counseling & Clinical Health Psychology


Dr. Elizabeth Gosch is Director of the MS Program in Counseling and Clinical Health Psychology and a core faculty member of the PsyD program in Clinical Psychology.  A licensed clinical psychologist, she is board certified by the American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and serves as a diplomate examiner for this board.  Dr. Gosch received her BA in 1987 from Grinnell College and her doctorate in clinical psychology in 1997 from Temple University. She employs an interactive teaching style, seeking to incorporate discussions of theoretical issues with real-world experience to help students master course material.  She has taught doctoral courses in Behavior Therapy, Learning Theories, Practicum, and Child & Adolescent Therapy, among others.

Dr. Gosch is a nationally recognized expert on clinical child psychology, anxiety disorders, and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with youth.  She has published on several topics but is best known for co-editing Anxiety Disorders:  A Practioner’s Guide to Comparative Treatments and articles on the treatment of internalizing disorders in children.  Dr. Gosch is currently on the editorial board of Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice.  She serves as a reviewer for the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, and the Behavior Therapist.  She has served on the Publications Committee of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.  She was a co-principal investigator of an NIMH-funded study (NIMH-64484-01A1) of therapeutic process and alliance in the treatment of children with anxiety disorders. 

Her major research interest concerns the process and effectiveness of psychotherapy with differing populations. Much of her work has focused on the treatment of anxiety and depression in youth. She has conducted NIMH-funded psychotherapy outcome research at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Psychotherapy Research, the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and the Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders Clinic at Temple University. Her past work at the Behavioral Therapy Service of the Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital and the Princeton Child Development Institute has also provided her with extensive experience in the field of cognitive-behavioral assessment and treatment.

Although she has received certification in cognitive behavioral therapy with youth from Temple University, she has also received training in family and psychodynamic approaches.  She believes that therapeutic change in youth must be understood from a developmental perspective and strives to integrate findings from the field of developmental psychology into her clinical work.  In her private practice, she works with youth experiencing both externalizing and internalizing symptoms but specializes in the treatment of anxiety and depression. 

Dr. Gosch may be contacted at:
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Department of Psychology
4190 City Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131-1693

Telephone: 215-871-6509
Fax: 215-871-6458
E-Mail: elizabethgo@pcom.edu  

Professional Memberships:

  • American Psychological Association (APA), 1987-present
  • APA Division 53: Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 2001-present
  • Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), 1989-present (Member, ABCT Publications Committee, 2001-2004)
  • Society for Psychotherapy Research, 1999-present
  • Pennsylvania Psychological Association, 1999-present

Editorial Experience:

  • Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, Editorial Review Board, 2004-2006
  • The Behavior Therapist, Ad Hoc Reviewer
  • Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, Ad Hoc Reviewer
  • Journal of Clinical Psychology, Ad Hoc Reviewer
  • Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Ad Hoc Reviewer


Hudson, J., Kendall, P. C., Chu, B., Gosch, E. Martin, E, & Taylor, A. (under review). Child involvement, alliance, and therapist flexibility: Process variables in cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders in youth.

Gosch, E., & Schroeder-Flannery, E. (in press). Anxiety disorders.  In R. Mennuti, A. Freeman, & R. Christner (Eds.), Cognitive behavioral interventions in educational settings, 2nd edition. New York: Brunner-Routledge.

Kendall, P. C., Compton, S. N., Walkup, J. T., Birmaher, B., Albano, A. M., Sherrill, J., Ginsgurg, G., Rynn, M., McCracken, J., Gosch, E., Keeton, C., Bergman, L., Sakolsky, D., Suveg, C., Iyengar, S., March, J., & Piacentini, J.  (2010). Clinical characteristics of anxiety disordered youth.  Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24, 360-365.

Gosch, E., Findiesen, A. G., & DiTomasso, R. A. (2010). Behavioral strategies. In R. DiTomasso & B. Golden (Eds.), Handbook of cognitive behavioral approaches in primary care (pp. 247-264). New York: Springer.

Kendall, P.C., Podell, J., & Gosch, E. (2009). The Coping Cat Parent Companion.  Philadelphia:  Workbook Publishing.

Suveg, C., Hudson, J., Brewer, G., Flannery-Schroeder, E., Gosch, E., & Kendall, P. C. (2009). Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disordered youth: Secondary outcomes from a randomized clinical trial evaluating child and family modalities, Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23(3), 341-349.

Kendall, P. C., Hudson, J., Gosch, E., Flannery-Schroeder, E., & Suveg, C. (2008). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disordered youth:  A randomized clinical trial evaluating child and family modalities, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76(2), 282-297.

Kendall, P. C., Gosch, E., Furr, J, & Sood, E. (2008). Flexibility within fidelity, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 47(9), 987-993.

Flannery-Schroeder, E., Gosch, E., & Sieberg, C. (2007). Anxiety disorders. In R. Christner, J. Stewart, & A. Freeman (Eds.), Handbook of cognitive-behavior group therapy with children and adolescents: Specific settings and presenting problems (pp. 199-222). New York: Brunner-Routledge.

DiTomasso, R., & Gosch, E. (2007). Anxiety disorders:  A practitioner’s guide to comparative treatments. New York:  Springer.

Gosch, E., Compton, S., & Schroeder-Flannery, E. (2006). Principles of cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders in children. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 20(6), 247-262.

Gosch, E., & Schroeder-Flannery, E. (2005). Anxiety disorders.  In R. Mennuti, A. Freeman, & R. Christner (Eds.), Cognitive behavioral interventions in educational settings (pp. 65-88). New York: Brunner-Routledge.

Kendall, P. C., Robin, J., Hedtke, K., Suveg, C., Flannery-Schroeder, E., & Gosch, E. (2005). Considering CBT with anxious youth? Think exposures. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 12, 136-150.

Gosch, E., & Pollock, A. (2004). Cognitive behavior therapy for depression in children. In A. Freeman & S. Felgoise (Eds.), Encyclopedia of cognitive behavior therapy (pp. 161-164). New York: Springer.

DiTomasso, R., & Gosch, E. (2002). Comparative treatments for anxiety disorders. New York: Springer.

DiTomasso, R., & Gosch, E. (2002). Anxiety disorders: An overview. In R. DiTomasso & E. Gosch (Eds.), Comparative treatments for anxiety disorders (pp. 1-31). New York: Springer.

DiTomasso, R., & Gosch, E. (2002). Clinical case presentation: The case of Sandra. In R. DiTomasso & E. Gosch (Eds.), Comparative treatments for anxiety disorders (pp. 32-42). New York: Springer.

DiTomasso, R., & Gosch, E. (2002). Comparison of treatment approaches. In R. DiTomasso & E. Gosch (Eds.), Comparative treatments for anxiety disorders (pp. 305-311). New York: Springer.

Kendall, P. C., Flannery-Schroeder, E., Gosch, E., Verduin, T., Chu, B., Hudson, J., & Krain, A. (2000). Educational support and attention for families with anxious children:  Therapist’s manual. Philadelphia: Temple University’s Child and Adolescent Anxiety Clinic.

Gladis, M., Gosch, E., Dishuk, N., & Crits-Christophe, P. (1999). Quality of life: Expanding the scope of clinical significance. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 6, 320-331.

Gosch, E. (1998). The child’s impact on parenting in the maintenance of child anxiety disorders: Toward an interactive model (Doctoral dissertation, Temple University, 1997). Dissertation Abstracts International, 58, 5643.

Kendall, P. C. & Gosch, E. (1994). Cognitive-behavioral intervention. In T. Ollendick, N. King, & W. Yule (Eds.), International handbook of phobic & anxiety disorders in children (pp.415-438). New York: Plenum.

Professional Presentations:

Gosch, E. (2011). Cognitive behavioral therapy and mood regulation in children. Invited lecture at the Regional Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of Eastern Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey 2nd Annual Psychotherapy and Psychopharmacology Conference.

Friedberg, R., Gosch, E., Ehrenreich-May, J., & Flannery-Schroeder, E. (2010). Nuances and neglected areas in cognitive behavioral therapy with youth. Clinical Perspective Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Gosch, E., & Barksdale, T. (2009). Application of cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to case examples.  Workshop presented at the Devereux Foundation.

Compton, S., Keeton, C., Sherrill, J., & Gosch, E. (2008). Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Study (CAMS): Design and methods. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Kendall, P. C., Hudson, J., & Gosch, E. (2008). CBT for anxiety disordered youth: A randomized clinical trial evaluating child and family modalities. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Gosch, E., McLaughlin, A., & Carpenter, S. (2008). Applying cognitive behavioral therapy to the treatment of children and adolescents. Workshop presented at the Devereux Foundation.

Compton, S., Keeton, C, Sherrill, J., & Gosch, E. (2008). Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Study (CAMS): design and methods. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Kendall, P. C., Husdon, J. L., Gosch, E., Flannery-Schroeder, E., & Suveg, C. (2008). Parental Involvement in Treatments for Child Anxiety Disorders; CBT for Anxiety Disordered Youth: A randomized clinical trial evaluating child and family modalities. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Piacentini, J., Mauro, C., Ginsburg, G., Kendall, P., Gosch, E., Bergman, L., & Robin, J. (2007). Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Study (CAMS): CBT methods and quality assurance results. Presented at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Boston.

Kendall, P. C., Gosch, E., Hudson, J., Suveg, C., & Flannery-Schroeder, E. (2007). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disordered youth: A randomized clinical trial evaluating child and family modalities. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Gosch, E. (2006). Treatment interventions for anxiety. Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Educator’s Institute.

Gosch, E., DiChiara, T., & Tabit, M. (2006). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Children. Invited workshop at the 35th Summer Institute: Transforming Services Transforming Lives sponsored by the Delaware Health and Social Services Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Newark, DE.

Gosch, E. Molony, T., & Forrest, E. (2006). Cognitive behavioral therapy for children with anxiety disorders. Invited workshop at Critical Skills and Issues in School Psychology 2006 Summer Conference, Atlantic City, NJ.

Flannery-Schroeder, E., & Gosch, E. (2006). Designing a preventive intervention for anxiety disorders: A conceptual model.

Gosch, E. (2005). Anxiety Disorders. Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Educator’s Institute.

Gosch, E. (2004). Challenges in treating anxiety disorders in children.  Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Speaker’s Series.

Hudson, J., Kendall, P. C., & Gosch, E. (2003). Measurement of therapeutic process in the treatment of childhood anxiety disorders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA.

Gosch, E. (2002). Cognitive behavioral therapy with adolescents. One day workshop at Rosenblum Treatment Center, Wilmington, DE.

Gosch, E. (2001). Case conceptualization from two points of view: self psychology and cognitive behavioral perspectives. Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Speaker’s Series.

Gosch, E. (2000). Invited participant in Discussion: Career Options in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. 

Kendall, P. C., Gosch, E., & Southam-Gerow, M. (2000). Invited participant in A cognitive-behavioral treatment program for children and adolescents with anxiety disorders in Symposium: Making Evidence-Based Treatments Work in Clinical Practice at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association.

DiTomasso, R., Gosch, E., & Beldotti, P. (2000). Consultation in primary care. One day workshop at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association.

Gosch, E. (April 2000). Assessment and crisis intervention with suicidal and violent patients. Invited presentation sponsored by PCOM Continuing Medical Education Series.

Gosch, E. (April 1999). Mood and anxiety dsorders in prepubertal children. Generalized Anxiety Dsorder and Social Phobia in prepubertal children. Screening instruments in prepubertal children. Invited presentations for residency training program. Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania.

Freeman, A., DiTomasso, R., & Gosch, E. (November 1998).  Fundamentals of behavioral assessment.  One day workshop at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC.

Kendall, P.C., Gosch, E., & Henin, A. (May 1997).  Differences and similarities in the cognitive-behavioral treatment of children and adults.  Presenter and panel discussant at symposium sponsored by the Beck Institute of Cognitive Therapy.

Gosch, E. (March 1996).  Domestic violence: Future directions in the assessment, prevention, and treatment of child and spousal abuse.  Women's Health Program at the Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital.

Gosch, E. (December 1995; February 1996).  Domestic Violence and Treatment of Domestic Abuse Survivors.  Continuing Education Lecture Series, Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital.

Kendall, P.C., & Gosch, E. (July 1995).  Cognitive treatment with children.  One day workshop and paper presented at the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Kendall, P.C., Gerow, M., & Gosch, E. (July 1995).  A randomized treatment outcome trial with anxiety-disordered children, results of 2- to 5-year follow-up.  Paper presented at the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Gerow, M., Kendall, P.C., & Gosch, E. (November 1994).  Long-term follow-up of a cognitive-behavioral therapy for childhood anxiety: Treatment efficacy and client-perceived curative factors.  Poster at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavioral Therapy, San Diego, CA.

Gosch, E. (March 1994).  Relaxation training for children.  Consultation and training seminar for the Media Child Guidance Center, Media, PA.

Gosch, E., Kendall, P.C., & Panas, J. (November 1991).  Behavioral observation of anxiety-disordered youth.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY.

Fenske, E., Zalenski, S., & Gosch, E. (March 1989).  Increasing the participation of children with autism in family activities.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the NJ Council of Organizations and Schools for Autistic Children and Adults.