Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM), in compliance with Pennsylvania Act 73 of 1988, the College and University Security Information Act, is pleased to provide security information to any requester at our campus in Philadelphia. Student applicants for admission, newly hired employees, students, full- and part-time employees, and medical professionals are especially invited to share this data.
Founded in 1899, PCOM has been located in six sites from Center City westward. The present location, 4170 City Avenue, has been our home since 1968. Our spacious 21-acre campus is protected by a staff of security personnel and electronic surveillance. Manned posts in the main College Building and Medical Office Building ensure 24-hour protection. The Levin Administration Building is locked and patrolled during non-office hours. In addition, the College conducts fire drills as part of its public safety responsibilities.
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine has implemented a new emergency notification system (P.E.N.S.) that will inform students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency through phone text-messaging or e-mail.
The system uses e2Campus, a web-based, mass notification system that allows College administrators to send alerts instantly and simultaneously to students, faculty and staff's cell phone or e-mail simultaneously.
Providing this information is the best way to ensure that you will be reached in the event of an emergency. If you haven't registered, please take a few minutes now to register or update your contact information.
Access P.E.N.S. by clicking on the link below to create or update an account.
- Students, please select an opt-out date closest to your graduation date. Faculty and staff, please select the furthest possible date (e.g. Dec 31 2011).
- Please enter your Novell login name as your username.
(e.g. JaneSm)
http://www.e2campus.com/my/pcom/signup.htm All information is secure and confidential.
Population on Campus
The college comprises 1475 medical students in classes, clinical rotations and post doctoral rotations leading to a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree. In addition to the D.O. degree, PCOM also offers advanced graduate degrees in biomedical sciences, psychologly, organizational development and leadership (ODL) and physician assistant studies as well as forensic medicine. Approximately half are on campus at any given time. Full-time employees number 500. There are no residence halls on campus; students are required to arrange for their own living accommodations nearby.
Employee and Student Policies
The College has strict policies banning the use of alcohol and illegal drugs by students and employees while on campus. Effective March 15, 1986, alcoholic beverages are not served on the premises to any group or individual. Alcohol and drug abuse is an infraction of PCOM policies and procedures for students and employees, which may lead to suspension. Students or employees convicted of crimes are not automatically terminated, but the nature of the offense and its relationship to the safety of other students or employees is taken into account. Falsification of employment applicant information will result in termination upon discovery.
Security - Organization and Duties
The Department of Security and Public Safety is located in the Medical Office Building. The Director of Security and Public Safety is responsible for departmental administration and reports directly to the Director of Plant Operations. The department maintains a complement of 5 in house Security Supervisors and 21 full-time contract security personnel. Officers, once hired, are required to receive instruction, provided by the Director of Security and Public Safety, in the areas of legal authority, liability issues, fire prevention and control, evacuation procedures, investigation and departmental procedures.
Security Operations
PCOM security personnel maintain order on campus by educating the campus community on security concerns and by enforcing College procedures. PCOM security personnel do not have arrest powers, but consult with police authorities when arrests are warranted. The Department of Security works with local law enforcement authorities to gather information on criminal activity on campus and assess potential risks which may exist on or near the campus. Perpetrators are reported accordingly.
All students and employees are issued an identification badge which they are encouraged to wear at all times. Visitors and out-patients are required to sign in at all times on Saturdays and Sundays and at specific locations between the hours of 5pm and 7am, Monday through Friday. Entry to campus facilities, other than authorized visitor/guest areas, is restricted unless clearance has been granted by individual administrators or by the Department of Security.
The Institutional Environmental Health and Safety Committee performs monthly fire and safety checks of the entire campus, both inside the buildings and on the grounds. Safety violations trigger an immediate request for corrective action.
Criminal activities and emergency situations are to be reported to the Security Department when they are observed. Criminal activities will be investigated, and local law enforcement authorities will be notified as necessary. Alleged perpetrators will be apprehended and detained until the arrival of law enforcement personnel.
Security personnel are not permitted to carry lethal or non-lethal weapons while on duty. Only appropriate government law officers are permitted to enter the campus armed.
Others who carry weapons on campus will be required to relinquish them until their departure. Security rounds are made and log/records are kept within each building.
Escort Service
At any time students and employees may call campus security and request escort service from any campus building to another building or the parking areas. Call security directly at x6351 and a guard will come to your location as soon as possible.
Crimes Can Be Reported to Police
In the event of a crime, students are strongly encouraged to contact PCOM security or, in extreme cases, to directly contact the Philadelphia Police. PCOM security department records all reported crimes that occur on campus. As required by the College and University Security Act of Pennsylvania, the College submits a crime report annually to the state police.
In accord with Pennsylvania's College and University Information Act (Act 73) of 1988, PCOM submits an annual report of campus crime to the state police. In accordance with the federal Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, PCOM will submit, upon request, a copy of this report to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education. Crime statistics for the most recent three-year period follow.
Offenses |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
Larceny - Theft |
14 |
01 |
15 |
Assault |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Burglary |
00 |
01 |
00 |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
02 |
00 |
01 |
Robbery |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Vandalism |
00 |
00 |
05 |
Sex Offenses |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Disorderly Conduct |
02 |
00 |
00 |
Hate Crimes |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Trespassing |
19 |
00 |
00 |
All Other Offense |
02 |
02 |
02 |
Larceny - Theft |
01 |
00 |
00 |
Assault |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Burglary |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Robbery |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Vandalism |
01 |
00 |
00 |
Sex Offenses |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Disorderly Conduct |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Hate Crimes |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Trespassing |
02 |
00 |
00 |
All Other Offenses |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Larceny - Theft |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Assault |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Burglary |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Robbery |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Vandalism |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Sex Offenses |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Disorderly Conduct |
01 |
00 |
00 |
Hate Crimes |
00 |
00 |
00 |
All Other Offenses |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Larceny - Theft |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Assault |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Burglary |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Robbery |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Vandalism |
01 |
00 |
00 |
Sex Offenses |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Disorderly Conduct |
01 |
00 |
00 |
Hate Crimes |
00 |
00 |
00 |
All Other Offenses |
01 |
00 |
00 |
Larceny - Theft |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Assault |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Burglary |
01 |
00 |
00 |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Robbery |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Vandalism |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Sex Offenses |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Disorderly Conduct |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Hate Crimes |
00 |
00 |
00 |
All Other Offenses |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Larceny - Theft |
03 |
00 |
08 |
Assault |
00 |
00 |
01 |
Burglary |
00 |
00 |
02 |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Robbery |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Vandalism |
01 |
00 |
00 |
Sex Offenses |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Disorderly Conduct |
05 |
05 |
01 |
Hate Crimes |
00 |
00 |
00 |
All Other Offenses |
00 |
00 |
00 |